Heart of Darkness:
A Who's Who of NPCs
Name Concept Location Creator Obj. WP
Nkongolo Simba King Mvwala Spencer Yes 7
Major Nivaud Commanding Officer Leopoldville Mkorogo No 6
Griele Nivaud M. Nivaud's second wife Unknown Mkorogo No 2
Van Dorsel Force Publique soldier Leopoldville Mkorogo No 4
De Groot Force Publique corporal Mkorogo No 3
Father Legros Jesuit Priest Leopoldville Mkorogo No 3
Uubangkasau Shaman Kintamo Mkorogo No 3
Apep Follower of Set Along the Southern Bend Kurtz Yes 8
Dawn-Tear Ajaba Pack Alpha Savannah Kurtz Yes 8
Marie Cook Rose House Collette No 2
Raha Kongo servant Rose House Collette No 3
Jani Kongo servant Rose House Collette No 2
Sarah Prostitute Rose House Collette No 5
Lynn Prostitute Rose House Collette No 3
Joseph Marie's Son Rose House Collette No 3
Cedric Doorman Van Hamersfeld House Katrien No 3
Ndeta Personal servant Leopoldville Catherine No 4

The Simba King, Nkongolo, has ruled Mvwala for many years. His rule has been kindly termed a benevolent dictatorship. While he does listen to concerns and complaints, he makes the final decisions for the Taklah. He is King and his word is law. Large and powerful, none have challenged his leadership in years. However, recently, with the influx of Europeans, his conservative views have been called into question. Of feline birth, this Ilani generally prefers the majestic lion form. His mane is a rich gold color.
Major Nivaud
Major Nivaud is the commanding officer of Force Publique operations in the area of Stanley Pool. After the death of his first wife, he returned to Belgium to return with a younger, more delicate woman. This second bride's fate was the subject of a Mkorogo story.
Griele Nivaud
Mme. Griele Nivaud's short introduction into Leopoldville society ended rather traumatically when she opened up her curiously pregnant belly with a butcher's cleaver and gave birth to a clutch of crocodiles on her dining room floor. Her body was never recovered. She was never described as beautiful, although her hair was something special, indeed. Gold, like the sun. She would often hide it, however, under tremendously gaudy hats. Please see Mkorogo for information about this NPC.
Apep is an old (300+ years) Setite vampire. She has fashioned herself as a powerful and merciless Demigod deep within the heart of the Congo. Here she lives out her undead life in relative luxury, having pressed a formidible cult of cannibals in her service. While her true appearance is unknown, she can assume the forms of almost any human, and prefers to appear either as a shriveled old crone of a painfully beautiful and exotic Queen. She was introduced to the game in a plot involving Catherine's father, run by Kurtz.
A metis Ajaba of some renown, this particular monster leads a motley crew of Ajaba and hyena across the savannah, looking for an easy meal and the opportunity to stir up discontent. They follow Vulture as a totem. As a metis Ajaba, Dawn-Tear actually changes gender when changing forms. In homid and sokto, he is male; in crinos, chatro and hyaena, she is female. Dawn-Tear's metis deformity consists of a hideously misshapen jaw. Closing the mouth completely is impossible. The jaw juts off at an angle and the teeth poke inward and outward. This makes biting and chewing difficult and interferes in social situations.
Marie, Raha, Jani, Sarah, Lynn & Joseph
Some time ago a minor nobleman from Belgium came to Leopoldville with the intention of starting up a business. What type of business is unknown, because he came down with a very high fever and died within days of arriving. With his death, a small number of personal servants were left stranded in Leopoldville with little money, and no-way to get back to Belgium. The two younger women learned that they could earn extra money if they provided certain services to some of the men who rent rooms at the Rose House. While the older woman, Marie took over the roll of cook, as that is what she did for her previous Master. She is also the mother of the young errand boy. -- It is worth noting that the two 'soiled doves' are not gaudily made up, or overtly obvious in their duties. What goes on in the Rose House is a little more subtle then that. On top of keeping the male boarders at the Rose House happy, these women do a few other jobs as well. Mainly helping the Cook to prepare meals and serving these meals to guests at meal-time.



page last updated 1. february 2002
Copyright ©2000-2002 Sean Ware