The Unfortunate Tale of Major N.



Ah, you know what I hear, I heard the old Major's come back. Ja, for true. I thought that was the end of it, right there, when his wife took ill and died and him going on back to Belgium, but you know, here he is again. And he's got him a new wife. Now, there's something you can admire, even in a Walloon, lazy little Frenchies they are. Knock him down and he stands right up again.

What do you mean, is she pretty? I told you I heard this, you dumb bastard. I haven't seen her. But damn, I'll say this, when you're here as long as us, I tell you, even the negresses start to look fine. But I hear she's a nag, anyway. La Madame. Been screeching at the man all the way down, I hear, won't have anything to do with him. Hell, can't blame her, the Major half-drunk and half lost his mind. Too hot for a cold fish here though.

Shut it, Ryckaert, you and your damn silly plans. Native's nanny goat's the only female you'll be running off with. Besides, the way you keep joking about the little lady up on the hill, you're going to find yourself shot. That big one, the Lieutenant, don't think he wouldn't do it. He's not one of those little Walloon boys on the Force. And good for him, too. They should be tougher, should teach these animals a lesson. Pray God with the Major back, things will get better.

Nightmares and Warnings
Daniel Bellamy, Tempts-Fate, Hawwara and the Swara, Fireborn, suffer painfully for the knowledge they gain in Dream.
How Do You Solve a Problem Like ...
Bellamy? Katrien calls on Tristram's assistance. It seems there has been an "accident" involving Father Bellamy. And when the dust settles, six of Leopoldville's Lords convene in a fragile attempt to discover the truth. Features Dr. Robert Baynford, Damek, Gustav and Katrien van Hamersfeld and Tristram De Pre.
Kinanayele Returns
Catherine Russell returns to the Congo, whereupon she encounters a younger M. De Pre and the new Lieutenant.
What Lies Beneath
The briefest of apologies between the Lords of Shadow. Features Gustav and Daniel.
On Bellamy Part One and Part Two
Tristram holds quiet conversations with members of his own tribe, and members of Bellamy's pack in an attempt to discern what afflicts the ragabash.
An introspective dialog between Daniel and Damek regarding the former's strange break in character. Some light is shed in the actions of the tribe of shadows.
De Groot & Madame
Gustav, Tristram and hapless De Groot encounter the Major's new wife. Catherine saves the day.
The Choosers of the Slain
Daniel Bellamy, the Shadow Lord ragabash who once followed Unicorn, reports some news to Damek about the Ajaba.
Griele, Part 1 & Part 2
Half-naked, the Major's wife finds herself unaccompanied in the abominable Rose House in the company of a filthy American. Scandal is not far behind. Later, Griele confesses to Katrien about the demons who haunt her.
On De Groot
Two vingettes portray the Belgian mountain of a man, De Groot, in surprisingly contrasting light. Features: Ammut and Tempts-Fate.
"Oh, I have something you will all just love!"
In Belgium, they say it takes only three Belgians to make a party. They pride themselves on being a festive people, a happy people, a robust people of food and drink and friendship. Mme. Nivaud's dinner party attracts unexpected guests. Features: Katrien, Gustav, Albert, Tristram, and Lisha.
Katrien and Daniel discuss the aftermath of Madame Nivaud's soiree.

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page last updated 30. december 2001
Copyright ©2001 Sean Ware