Arrival in the Congo



This first collection of logs detail various early meetings between characters as they arrive in the Congo.

Lucien and Catherine
Miss Russell shares a late supper with her guide and a Force Publique officer.
Gabriel, Utah Jimmy and Sashet
Leopoldville's central commons brings together a number of characters, some savory, some unsavory.
The Roi des Belges
Lucien and August discuss kings and kingmakers on the docks.
Lucien and Catherine discuss Catherine's plans to search for her father, lost in the jungle.
Yoro and the Rifle
Ngoye and Catherine struggle over a family heirloom; Gabriel offers a level head.
Moonwatcher Changes
Moonwatcher, a Simba kit, undergoes a painful First Change; Mr. Hicks dies.
As is to be expected in the Congo, Catherine contracts a tropical fever.
"Perhaps another time, Mademoiselle"
Catherine happens upon the Roi des Belges just as its boiler fails to function correctly.
Aboard the Roi
Gabriel and Lucien talk briefly about each other's occupations.
Rigby, a Shadow Lord ragabash, arrives in Leopoldville and makes introductions with the "locals."
Thunder and Unicorn
Lucien introduces himself to the Child of Gaia ahroun, Utah Jimmy. The two fail to get along with absolutely marvelous skill.
Van Haute, Skylar and Bekele
Nephew and aunt are reunited in Leopoldville, along with cameos by Bekele and Utah Jimmy.
Tristram meets Bellamy, Prescott, Smith, and Gustav and Damek van Hamersveld
Lucien De Pre's much younger brother, Tristram, receives word of the lieutenant's untimely demise, and arrives in the Congo to investigate. These are some of his first encounters with the Garou who knew his kin.
"It's Name is Abomination"
A Fianna Galliard, Marian, arrives in the viperpit of Leopoldville, pregnant.
A brief introduction to the other Shadow Lord ragabash, Olga.
Marian and Naeem
The shame of Leopoldville encounters a newcomer, the ulama, Naeem.
Gustav and Baynford
The new town doctor possesses both an intriguing pistol and a curious bedside manner. The Flemish shootist, Gustav, investigates.
Bellamy and Warburton
A fresh-faced South African lad makes his way into Leopoldville.
Nyarai and Ngoye
The unchanged Swara encounters the Simba Aka at the Kintamo market.
Telemann, Thielman and De Pre
A first meeting between August Telemann and Tristram De Pre; also Albert Thielman meets L'Americain. Features: Robert.
Florian Confesses His Sins
Florian comes to Our Lady to make introductions with the priest and have his confession taken. The sins of the father are visited upon the son.
"Welcome to the Congo, M. O'Brien"
The Black Fury calls a war party to assist her dispatch the one who has escaped her, but her plans are foiled by a Fianna ragabash with a strange sense of self-preservation. Features: Stalks-Prey, Tempts-Fate, Gustav, Tristram, Daniel, Rolf and Lachlan.

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page last updated 28. january 2002
Copyright ©2002 Sean Ware