Heart of Darkness

"To open to civilisation the only part of our globe
where it has yet to penetrate, to pierce the darkness
which envelops whole populations, it is, I dare to say,
a crusade worthy of this century of progress."

-- King Leopold of the Belgians

Heart of Darkness is a cooperative storytelling MUSH themed around White Wolf's line of Storyteller games, with specific focus on Garou and Bastet: the werewolves and werecats of the World of Darkness.

Address: hodmush.com 1888 ( 1888)
Resources: Wiki, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), Who's Who of NPCs, Character Application Guidelines, Map of the Congo Basin (as built on game) [292 KB], Map: Africa (1885) [346 KB], Map: Africa (1890) [1228 KB], Map: Central Africa (1895) [1003 KB], African Wildlife Foundation, BabelFish Translation, Dictionary of Names, African Names, 1880s fashion, Awards
Texts: Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness [includes study guide and vocabulary], Heart of Darkness [text only] [211 KB], Chinua Achebe, "An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrad's 'Heart of Darkness'".
Logs: Kurtz' Archive, Fireborn's Archive, Daniel's Archive, Catherine's Archive

The Dark Continent

[IMAGE: Forest Elephant] Whether filled with expectations of a new beginning, possessed of a desire for the untold riches that lie deep within the Congo, consumed with a lust for adventure or driven to escape the crowded confines of Europe, the tide of imperialists, hunters, settlers, homesteaders, entrepreneurs, evangelists and fortune seekers who trek across the continent -- oftentimes under the banner of 'the white man's burden' to civilize the world -- leave nothing they touch unchanged. Werewolves run with them, either as protectors of Kinfolk and human flocks, or as Lone Wolves seeking a place for themselves. These Garou bring their own outlooks and prejudices with them, setting themselves up for an adversarial relationship with the native skinchangers.

In the early days of the world, the Garou battled other Changing Breeds in a bloody conflict over rights to the title of Gaia's chosen people. In most of the world, the Garou emerged triumphant, and their victory left deep scars in the minds of the other shapeshifters. In Africa, the Garou failed. In Africa, the Lion -- not the wolf -- is king.

The Lords of Sunlight

The leopard and lion greet their European cousins with very mixed feelings, but outright war between the breeds does not erupt until the threat to the Dark Continent becomes all too apparent. Set in the Congo of the late 1880s, Heart of Darkness enjoys the complex world of the late nineteenth century amidst Europe's 'Scramble for Africa'.

Last modified: 05 August 2007